Concordia Lutheran School is accredited by the National Lutheran School Accreditation and the Lutheran School Accreditation Commission, which is certified by the Texas Private School Accreditation Commission and the Texas Education Agency

National Lutheran School Association
National Lutheran School Accreditation (NLSA) serves as the accrediting body for Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod schools across the United States and the world. NLSA has been accrediting schools in the LCMS since 1978, and accreditation decisions have always been based upon a school’s compliance with national standards for Lutheran schools that reflect the essential qualities that are expected of Lutheran schools.

Lutheran School Accreditation Commission
Certified by the Texas Private School Accreditation Commission & the Texas Education Agency.

Professional Associations & Licenses:
- National Lutheran Education Association
- Texas Association of Non-Public Schools
- San Antonio Lutheran Schools Association
- Council of American Private Education