Concordia follows the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) as delineated by the state of Texas for each grade level. Because students attend a variety of public and private schools upon graduation, Concordia strives to prepare each student for high school no matter the high school program they choose.
Concordia’s curriculum across the board is designed to prepare students for their next academic steps. From Pre-K through 8th grade, our curriculum materials, approach, sequence and scope are designed to work together to promote learning for all students. Our curriculum changes as students progress through our school, with primary grades receiving instruction in literacy, phonics, Jesus time, social studies, math and science. All students in Kindergarten, first and second grade receive enrichment from our GT&E teacher, who spends time in their classroom once per week.

Beginning in third grade, our math program is diversified to reflect different math abilities. Students are placed in a math class that best meets their needs, as assessed by academic performance, teacher assessment and standardized tests. Instruction in history, science, religion, language arts and literacy is provided by teachers. Our curriculum materials and instructional practice are designed to support many learning styles, and to promote effective writing, good study habits and creativity.
In middle school, students choose electives to round out their schedules. Because discovering one’s gifts and talents is critical to success and fulfillment, students are encouraged to experience a wide variety of electives and to choose areas of particular interest to them. Electives range from STEM initiatives such as rocketry and robotics, to offerings in the fine arts such as band and theater. Broadcasting is a very popular choice, with many students exploring technical skills both in front of and behind the camera. Athletics, literature, problem solving, study hall and are always a part of the elective offerings as well. We value student choice and voice, so we encourage student feedback and adjust elective choices based on student input and other factors.