CLS Dress Code FAQs

CLS Dress Code FAQs

Why and how are uniform shoes different in Pre-K, Elementary and Middle school?Every child who participates in PE every day should wear athletic shoes that are safe for PE.  Because Pre-K students do not attend PE, they have a wider variety of shoes. Because many of our middle school students participate in sports, they do not have PE every day. Middle school students can wear brown top-sider style loafers, and the girls can wear black flats.  Any student in PE or athletics must have proper shoes.

What about shoes in cold weather?
Shoe expectations do not change. School administration may, at times, explicitly invite students to wear different shoes. For example, if VERY cold weather is expected, students may be encouraged to wear shoes that protect their feet from such temperatures. An announcement will be made by TextAlert, email, social media post, and website statement if an exception to dress code is made.

Do I have to buy Dennis pants and shorts?
No, you may buy khaki or black shorts and pants anywhere, as long as the style is consistent with the Dennis pants. The pants must be chino-style, either pleated or flat front. No top-stitching or exterior pockets as you find on jeans and cargo pants.. Elementary and middle school students should wear pants and shorts with belt loops and a belt.

Are any style of jeans acceptable for spirit day?
No, jeans must be blue denim, free of holes and tears, without frays of any kind, and without printed or bleached designs. Jeggings or excessively tight jeans are not appropriate. Jeans shorts are not acceptable.

My daughter has very long legs. The skirts will be shorter on her than on a person of average height.  Can we just keep it short?
No. The skirts should be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee. This may require you to release the hem and have the skirt/skort hemmed to an appropriate length.

Black jeans look great with spirit wear. Can my child wear those?
No. Jeans must be blue and free of holes, tears, fraying, printed design or bleaching.

For a full review of Concordia’s Dress Code please see the handbook.

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